Factors that affect how your skin ages and how it's well within your control!

The most important factor affecting how your skin ages and it’s well within your control!

Many of us believe that how our body ages, and specifically how our skin ages is based on genetics. In fact,Scientific research tells us that this is mostly incorrect!!! And this is great news!

 Of course I would be remiss if I did not acknowledge that genetics plays a factor in how our bodies age. We all start with a genome, thanks fifty percent to our mother and fifty percent to our father. From there; we journeythrough life making choices on a daily basis about what we eat, our activity level, our sleep routine, stress level,hydration and many other factors. Each of these choices sends communication signals to our genes.

If we make healthy choices we turn on strong genes and turn off weak genes.

Similarly, if we make unhealthy choices we turn on weak genes and turn off strong genes. If we consume artificial food additives, come into regular contact with harsh chemicals, use air fresheners, ignore our body’s need foradequate sleep etc. we are sending signals to our body that turns on weak genes.

Our genes are like a book with many pages. We can choose what pages to open . Therein, our daily choices either lead us further to health, or further to disease.

Our genes are not our destiny!
I have to admit I truly dislike the word anti-age and prefer to replace this with the words “optimizing health”. When it comes to optimizing the health of our skin there is no factor as important as the status of our overall health. If you regularly read my blogs and follow me on instagram you know I am a big proponent of using high quality medical-grade skin care, having monthly medical facials, and being diligent with yearly microneedling treatments to stimulate collagen synthesis. But, if you don't optimize your health & wellness you are paddling upstream.

Your skin cannot and will not hide poor health!
When we make poor daily health choices the outcome is always some sort of vitamin and mineral deficiency in thebody. In fact, in the early stages of poor health your blood tests may be normal. This is because the blood must maintain itself in a very narrow ph level of 7.35 - 7.45, so if there is a vitamin and mineral deficiency the body will pull what it needs from its tissues to maintain this narrow ph level. So while the blood tests are normal, the body is already in a nutrient deficit.

This shows up very quickly in the most magnificent organ called our skin.

Acne, Dermatitis, Rosacea, Keratosis Pilaris and many other skin conditions are linked to specific nutrientdeficiencies. When these nutrients are replenished in the body, inflammatory skin conditions improve dramatically.And then (and only then) in conjunction with specific nutrient dense topical skin care and in-clinic skin rejuvenation treatments the results for skin health are truly remarkable.

You can start on the road to optimizing your skin health today by incorporating my top five suggestions into your daily routine:

  1. Eat whole foods only and avoid processed foods. Most people tell me that they eat a “healthy diet” and avoid processed food. Yet when I ask my clients to keep track of everything they eat and drink for 5 days ,including how many times they open a package or open a can to prepare a meal they are most oftensurprised at how much processed foods dominate their daily intake of food.

  2. Drink 2 Liters of water per day. Every single reaction in the body (and there are billions a day) requires water. So just do it!

  3. You must prioritize sleep - and the magic number is eight! You may not get eight hours every night but you should be getting close to this most nights. Did you know that our brains have a separate lymphatic system from the body and scientific studies have shown that this works only at night while you sleep. No wonder when we are sleep deprived we cannot think straight.

  4. Think about everything you come into contact with every day and try to avoid as many chemicals aspossible. This is a tough one as there have been over 80,000 chemicals invented in the last one hundredyears. Think about what you put on your body, in your body, what is in the air where you spend most of your time.

  5. Finally, try and spend as much of your day in the present moment. It is my number one mental health tip and is truly beneficial for “slowing down time” and bringing one peace and happiness. When you are out of theconstant “flight or fight mode” that is continually stimulating our adrenal glands our body’s can finally enjoy “rest and digest”.

Yours in great skin health!
Carmen Edwards, BSc, FNP
Skin RNI Owner & Founder

Optimizing Detoxification and Your Skin Health

The new year is a time when many of us embark on health goals and aim to start a new “health journey”.

The most common thing I hear is “I am going on a detox!”

It is important to remember that our bodies are continually detoxifying; in fact our entire blood supply is filteredand detoxified in the liver every 3 minutes! The analogy being that the carpet in your home is being vacuumed every 3 minutes; what an amazing organ our liver is.

What we need to remember is that we want to “optimize detoxification”. The steps involved in optimizing detoxification are different for everyone; it depends on your current state of health,your health history, symptoms you may or may not be experiencing and many other factors.

Everyday we are making choices that either bring us closer to health or closer to disease. These choices consist of what we eat, our intake(or lack thereof) of essential nutrients, artificial food additives & chemicals in our environment we come into contact with, movement & exercise, sleep,how we process information (our stress response) and many more. Our bodies “retain” all of these choices, year after year in our cells. Our predisposition to disease does not just happen overnight; it takes years of bioaccumulation of these toxins before we start to see symptoms.

However, the biggest increase in toxic overload in our bodies has come is in the last 50 years from the start of “the Industrial Age” with the increase in synthetic toxins in the form of pesticides, herbicides, industrial chemicals,drugs, inhalants and plastics and of course in the production and our consumption of processed foods.

How do toxins cause damage to our bodies?
Toxins cause oxidation and the production of free radicals, the inhibition of enzymes (essential for reactions in thebody), damage to our DNA and damage to cell membranes and disrupt our hormone balance.

How do we get of toxins in our body and how do we optimize this process.
The first thing we need to look at before we start to optimize detoxification is how to optimize the eliminationchannels of toxins from the body or we are in fact increasing our toxic load and we can become very ill from this.

Our bodies have five “channels of elimination”.

  • Skin

  • Kidneys

  • Bowels

  • Lungs

  • Mind

The process of optimizing these channels is very detailed and specific but important to evaluate prior to any sort of detoxification program. For example; if you are not having regular bowel movements, the toxins will accumulate in the bowel and stay in the body for longer periods of time where they can have harmful effects.

Note that the skin gets rid of about two pounds of toxins per day through sweating. Heavy metals, persistent organicpollutants so having healthy skin is vital for optimal detoxification.

 The Mind may surprise you as a channel of elimination for detoxification but this is a key factor in our health. Take for example the individual who is in a chronic state of high stress; who is continually releasing high levels of adrenaline (a neurotransmitter) and cortisol (a hormone). Neurotransmitters and hormones have to be detoxified by the bodyand eliminated. So if you are experiencing long periods of high levels of stress your liver is in constant toxic overload! This shows up in many different areas of your body and is most visible in our skin.

Where does detoxification take place in our bodies?
The “first pass” of detoxification actually takes place in our small intestine! This amazing 21 foot organ harbors 70% of our immune system and is responsible for detoxifying many harmful chemicals that we ingest. This takes place in the cells lining the wall of the small intestine and is also highly dependent on a strong, healthy microbiome. (If you are experiencing dysbiosis which is an imbalance of the healthy gut microbiome then beginning a program to optimize detoxification is not the right choice for you.

The second place (and biggest) organ of detoxification is our liver. This process is very complex and intricate. We have the ability to increase the rate and efficiency of how our liver detoxifies by optimizing our intake of key nutrients!

The third organ of detoxification is our lymphatic system. The biggest way to stimulate our lymphatic system is to move your body - everyday!

 What is vital for optimal detoxification?

  • To reduce exposure to toxins - this requires finding where your overexposure is coming from; not as easy as it sounds given that the average person has over 90 chemicals in their body!

  • A diet rich in key micronutrients required for the detoxification pathways in our body - often we have to utilize strategic supplements to optimize this. If you are eating the Standard American Diet for example you will be very low in zinc (and many other nutrients) vital for detoxification.

  • A diet rich in macronutrients as detoxification is highly energy dependent - optimizing detoxification will not happen if you are on a low calorie diet regime.

 If your body’s ability to detoxify optimally is being hindered this can show up in our skin as skin congestion, acne, dull skin, under eye puffiness & dark circles.

If you want to learn more about optimizing your body’s detoxification and how this will affect your skin health contact us to set up a nutritional consultation.

Yours in great skin health,
Carmen Edwards, BSc, FNP
Skin RNI Owner & Founder



Vitamin A (also known as retinol) is the only known molecule that helps keep skin healthy! Vitamin A is an amazing molecule found naturally in the skin and needs to be replaced DAILY for the skin to function properly and be healthy. In fact, the root cause of all unhealthy skin conditions is vitamin A deficiency.  Most people are unaware that they suffer from a chronic localized deficiency of vitamin A.

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